Sales Director-as-a-Service - Services

Sales Manager-as-a-Service

One of our sales managers will roll up their sleeves, and get stuck into improving your sales capability across all 7 core areas. They’ll take the lead on new sales activities, advise on all areas of operations, and work tirelessly to ensure positive outcomes.

How does it work?

Our Sales Manager-as-a-Service package provides experienced sales operators, on demand, to drive your sales function to higher levels.

In effect, we work part-time for your organisation, taking charge of setting and implementing your sales strategy, process, and action plans.

This package includes Sales Coaching for 1 seller.

When might you need Sales Manager-as-a-Service?

You’d probably benefit if any of the following are true…

  • NOT ENOUGH TIME - You’re a startup founder or entrepreneur who doesn’t have enough the time to manage sales

  • SKILLS SHORTAGE - You’re looking to outsource your sales leadership and implement proven practices and processes to accelerate growth

  • NEED TO FUEL GROWTH - You’re looking to outsource sales leadership, and implement proven practices, and processes, to accelerate growth

  • HELP WITH HIRING - You’re struggling to find the right candidate to fill an open sales leadership position

We cover the 7 core areas of startup sales success

  1. SALES STRATEGY - setting a vision and catalysing action

  2. TEAM STRUCTURE - the right people doing the right jobs

  3. TECH STACK - getting the right platforms and tools in place

  4. LEAD GENERATION - filling your funnel with quality leads

  5. DEAL CLOSING - close quicker and increase win rates

  6. CUSTOMER SUCCESS - keeping paying customers satisfied

  7. CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT - selling better every quarter

How do I get more information about your Sales Manager-as-a-Service?

Drop us an email on, or tap the button below, and we’ll get back to you.