360 Sales Diagnostic

Get Your Score!

Personalised 25-Page Report

“Diagnosis is not the end, but the beginning of practice.”

Our 360° Sales Diagnostic is a comprehensive assessment that generates a detailed snapshot of your sales function, and identifies areas for improvement.

How it Works

  1. We sit down together for a 75-minute 1-on-1, and you answer 62 questions about your sales function

  2. We combine the insights from this session - and our desk research - to create your detailed 360° Sales Diagnostic score. Based on our assessment, we make tailored recommendations in the areas we believe will make the most impact to your business

  3. After you've received the report by email, we’ll arrange a 60 minute session to present the key takeaways, and answer your questions

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Calculating Your Score

We assess your sales function against our framework: 7 Steps to Startup Sales Success.

Within this framework are 52 distinct areas of selling, all of which we investigate as part of our analysis.

Your capability and capacity for change within the sales function, informs the score we give you.