360° Sales Diagnostic

A rapid analysis of your sales function, followed by tailored recommendations, and a revenue roadmap.

Benefits you can expect from taking the 360°













Source: ‘Customer impact survey’ 2022 * Return-on-Investment

We analyse your sales function across 7 core areas, and 52 metrics

7 Core Areas of Startup Sales

52 metrics inform the 360° score

You get 3 Powerful Deliverables:

Breakdown of 360° Score

  • Overall 360° score and detailed breakdown within each of the 7 Core Areas of Startup Sales

  • Assessment of maturity using 52 distinct measurements

  • Identification, and ranking, of elements in need of improvement

Bespoke Recommendations

  • Multiple insight-driven recommendations for each of the 7 Core Areas of Startup Sales

  • Action-oriented advice that will set a new cadence, and demonstrably improve sales capability

  • ‘Critical First Steps’ identified, and targeted to deliver immediate impact, and create momentum

Revenue Roadmap

  • Action plan to improve sales capability, accelerate the pipeline, and close more deals

  • Calculation of the additional income that could be generated, if your sales function was stronger

  • Tracking of crucial sales metrics, and reporting progress vs target over the last 90 days

How it works

We sit down together for a 75-minute 1-on-1, and you answer 62 questions

We combine the insights from this session - and our desk research - to create your detailed 360° Sales Diagnostic report, with full score breakdown. Based on our assessment, we make tailored recommendations in the areas we believe will make the most impact to your business.

You receive a 25-page personalised report with score breakdown, bespoke recommendations, and a revenue roadmap. Once you’ve had time to digest it, we’ll arrange a 60 minute session to present the key takeaways, and answer your questions.

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SAMPLE Personalised 25-Page Report

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